澳门永利6774APP全资子公司-澳门永利6774物联网技术有限公司 股票代码:002421




2020-03-25  收藏本文 | 字号大小+-

     澳门永利6774APP  在这次疫情抗击疫情过程中,充分发挥自身在物联网领域的技术优势,积极参与武汉雷神山医院等各地医院建设并获得美国知名金融商业媒体Business Insider( 商业内参 )、财经商业媒体Benzinga等多家媒体报道。以下为报道原文翻译内容。


  Chinese enterprises step up in the fight against COVID-19


  The COVID-19 continues to spread globally. As of March 18, 2020, more than 200,000 cases have been diagnosed in more than 150 countries and regions. Although the cumulative number of infected people in China has exceeded 80,000, China's disease resistance has achieved great results according to the decreasing number of infected cases. Many global medias have published articles praising the excellent control of the COVID-19 in China.


  澳门永利6774APP (股票代码: 002421) 作为一家以物联网技术提供智慧医疗服务的上市公司,在疫情爆发后,协同各子公司积极参与抗击疫情相关行动,为众多医院提供了包括技术产品升级、全球医用物资采购及捐赠、医院建设等多方面服务。

  In the fight against the pandemic, plenty of Chinese enterprises have undertaken and fulfilled their social responsibilities, donating nearly 10 billion RMB yuan of materials and funds in the fight against the COVID-19. In Shenzhen, for instance, a group of pioneering enterprises have emerged during the fight. Shenzhen Dashi Intelligent Co., Ltd. is one of those.

  Shenzhen Dashi Intelligent Co., Ltd. (002421.SZ) is a listed company providing intelligent medical services with Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, Dashi Intelligent has cooperated with its subsidiaries to actively participate in the fight and provide many hospitals with a variety of services, including technological product upgrades, global procurement of medical supplies, and hospital construction.


  Rapid Upgrade of Negative Pressure Isolation Ward Technology


  The most important measure is to control the source of infection and avoid doctor-patient cross-infection. After the patients are diagnosed, the isolation and treatment must be taken in a timely manner. The negative pressure isolation ward is an important medical facility to treat patients with a highly contagious respiratory infection, isolate pathogenic microorganisms and protect medical staff.


  Dashi Jiuxin Digital Medical Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dashi Intelligent, immediately introduced the development plan of a negative pressure isolation ward for the pandemic. With its flexible design, short implementation period, and standardized implementation effects, the plan quickly responded to the needs of health emergencies. It can be removed or restored to its original condition easily without damaging the original ward facilities. Dashi Intelligent came up with this targeted solution of "emergency negative pressure isolation ward", effectively improving the hospital's isolation and protection capabilities.


  Quick Online Consulting Platforms Establishment


  Huainan Dashi, a subsidiary company of Dashi Intelligent, worked with Huainan No. 1 People's Hospital and developed an online consultation platform. Patients can conduct consultation through online channels and get medical guidance, reducing unnecessary hospital trips and risk of cross-infections, during the shortage of protective supplies in medical institutions. The platform directly connects with 53 professional doctors in Huainan No. 1 People's Hospital to ensure the quality of medical treatment.


  Multiple Technical and Service Support


  After the outbreak, "Xiaotangshan mode" hospitals were planned to be built immediately across China. With the experience in serving more than 600 hospitals in the past, Dashi Intelligent participated in the constructions of 16 hospitals, including Wuhan Leishenshan Hospital, Xiongxian Hospital in Xiong'an new area, Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital, Hongze People's Hospital, Shenzhen No. 3 People's Hospital, etc. Dashi Intelligent has provided services including intelligent management and control systems, construction of surgery department, ICU, and construction or reconstruction of negative pressure isolation wards.


  China's pandemic peak period has passed. The pandemic situations in many other countries are still in the early or middle stages of an outbreak. Dashi Intelligent will continue to build a solid defence line for humans to fight the pandemic.


  美国知名金融商业媒体:Business Insider(商业内参)




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